Tips on Maintaining Company Culture Remotely | Serviced Office KL

During these unprecedented times, where people have switched from working from serviced office kl or a traditional office to remote working, maintaining the company culture is one of the main goals to help build a workplace culture that cultivates growth and promotes work productivity among employees.

A survey carried out by Glassdoor reported that 56% of employees prioritize desired workplace culture over the salary offered. This goes to show that an environment in which employees feel comfortable and connected is crucial to maintaining talents. This has not changed despite the increasing trend of remote working. Employers are challenged to create and establish a virtual environment that reaches everyone across different locations in which team members can collaborate and work hard together even when physically parted. 

Company culture is at the core of the organization, it is a combination of business values, company goals and visions. Working from home doesn’t have to change the culture that you as a business owner worked hard to build. Here are some tips and guides we’ve gathered to help understand factors that should be emphasized and maintained while employees scattered across the globe continue to work remotely. 

Serviced Office KL Tip #1: Embrace Transparency Among the Organisation

Serviced Office KL Tip #1: Embrace Transparency Among the Organisation

In times when face-to-face communication is not as possible as it used to be, make sure to emphasize the trust and respect you have for your employees. During such an economic crisis, job security is likely to be an employee’s top concern. Hence, it is crucial that transparent communication is maintained. A survey revealed that 48% of participants agreed that the key to establishing a strong sense of job security is transparent communication within the organization. With employees being well-aware of the company’s financial situation and sustainability during such turbulent times can definitely help to create a safe and open environment for employees to work better and more likely to rise to the occasion.

Serviced Office KL Tip #2: Improve Communication

Serviced Office KL Tip #2: Improve Communication

One of the biggest obstacles to remote culture is communication. Your remote team culture will flourish or fail, purely on communication. When communication within your team is not effective, chances are your company culture simply just won’t hold through. Have regular chats and discussions with your team whenever possible. Discuss and update each other on work progress and provide details on projects. Make sure to listen attentively and ask for feedback among team members to encourage open communication within the organization. Scheduling regular online meetings allows teams to feel a sense of togetherness even when apart. 

Serviced Office KL Tip #3: Enhance Work-life Balance and Flexible Timings

Serviced Office KL Tip #3: Enhance Work-life Balance and Flexible Timings

When working from home, work and life are more blended together than ever.  Studies have shown that having work-time flexibility enhanced will increase overall job satisfaction. As such, paying attention to your employee’s work-life balance can insinuate the company culture of caring. Signaling consistency and genuine recognition can help employees feel appreciated for the dedication and sacrifices made for work. Instead of micromanaging, trust your employees with tasks assigned to them, and this will reinforce the trust within the organization.

Highlight Your Company Culture with a Serviced Office KL Now

Highlight Your Company Cultures with a Serviced Office kl Now

Since 2020, the effect of corporate downsizing has required 67% of Malaysians to work remotely – leaving their office spaces expensively vacant. During these trying times, businesses need to acquire more agility and the flexible workspace can help meet the demands of a new age of work. Here at Colony, we aim to challenge the traditional way of working by providing workspaces that are carefully designed to enhance the working experience for all our guests and to help your business weather through this MCO period, we worked up a solution where you can move in without worrying about your office rental as you enjoy Your 1st Month on Us!

Here’s how you can redeem it when you sign up with us :

Start planning your next best workplace by reaching out to us via our email at or at +60 18-213 8086 to learn more about our Serviced Office KL.