How to Stay Resilient While Working From Home | Serviced Office KL

With the on-going pandemic, it is not surprising that it was reported to have a profound negative impact on our mental health as the world adapted to working from home or from serviced office kl.  According to a study done by Panchal and others in 2020, it was concluded that 53% of American adults have reported a negatively impacted mental health due to the stress and anxiety stirred up by the pandemic. 

Since the onset of the pandemic, a proliferation in workplace anxiety and depression has been observed. With the vast majority of employers expecting to shift to remote working in the long-term, it is crucial to understand the effects of working from home and ways to tackle mental health issues as it plays a major part in workplace productivity and our overall well-being.

Serviced Office KL: Remote Working and its psychological effects 

The sudden turn of working from traditional offices to remote working has been surprisingly stressful for many employees. The three most common issues that were brought about working from home are the feeling of loneliness and isolation, increased work anxiety and depression. 

While working remotely allows us to save time from commuting back and forth, bypassing distractions from coworkers, it also means that we could easily spend days without talking to anyone as we don’t have to gather to work. Not only do we feel disconnected from the outside world, the disconnection from our colleagues might cause us to feel more lonely and isolated at home. With the absence of social aspects of chatting and complaining about work and life, it surely isn’t as easy as it seems as the camaraderie of an office life doesn’t feel the same over Google hangouts, Slack or Microsoft Teams. Studies have shown that loneliness predicted 75% of anxiety and depression, which explains why rates of depression and anxiety have risen significantly since the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Serviced Office KL: Tip #1 – Stay Active


Serviced Office KL: Tip #1 - Stay Active

Fight the urge to stay in bed all day and start utilizing the sports gear that was kept in the back of your wardrobe. Take time off to get active – be it a short walk to the park with your dogs, riding the bike around your neighborhood, or quick and easy yoga practice. By spending just 20 to 30 minutes daily, exercising can help you keep your physique in check and lower your risk of having anxiety or depression.

Check out some of the exercises here that boost cognitive functioning and provide you with the energy you need to power through any day. 

Serviced Office KL: Tip #2 – Have a Schedule 

Serviced Office KL: Tip #2 - Have a Schedule 

A flexible working schedule is arguably the best part of remote working, but what happens when it becomes too much and now you don’t know how to organize your time? By simply having a routine and structure for your workday can help create boundaries between “work” and “life”. 

Try setting yourself a work routine, with a specific time to start and finish your work. On top of that, putting in the effort to dress up, or setting up your work desk can help create mental cues, which in turn make you more organized and prepared for work. With the creation of a solid work-life barrier, you can surely reap all the benefits of remote working. 

Serviced Office KL: Tip #3 – Stay Connected to Loved Ones

Serviced Office KL: Tip #3 - Stay Connected to Loved Ones

With lockdowns imposed in most of the countries, no doubt we all feel a little disconnected and lonely without the companionship of our loved ones around us. One of the ways to keep yourself positive during such tough times is to stay connected! Be it your family members or your colleagues, with apps such as FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts and other alternatives, it’ll be much easier! Be more proactive! As daily conversations are not occurring spontaneously now when we’re working from home or from serviced office kl, we definitely need to reach out more and organize virtual social events to stay sane.

Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable, as many of us are working and adjusting to these changes. Be empathetic and transparent about how you feel with people you trust, chances are they are feeling the same way too. 

Serviced Office KL: Get Your Best Work Done with Colony! 

Serviced Office KL: We Care

If working from home is not for you, we’re here to provide the right solutions that give you the utmost flexibility with our Prepaid Time Pass!

Choose to work on-the-go at any or all 5 of our locations with your credited hours that last from up to 6 till 12 months. That way you can get a taste of a revolutionized workspace without breaking the bank. For more details about our Prepaid Time Pass plans, contact us via email at or drop us a message at +60 18-213 8086 for your next best-serviced office kl.


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