When done right, workshops in event space KL can provide plenty of value for everyone involved. When done wrong, participants will feel cheated as they didn’t learn what they intended to, wasting time and money.
The purpose of workshops is to conduct brainstorming exercises, build relationships, collaborate, and provide interactive learning.
Hence, it is essential to plan a workshop properly.
Straightforward yet often forgotten.
What do you intend to achieve out of this workshop? Do you want to run some teambuilding exercises? Upskill your employees? Improve management skills for managers?
A clear goal allows you to focus your attention on a particular subject. Many workshops fall short of this by not having a clear goal in mind, rendering it pointless.
Following from your goal, have the right crowd for the proper workshop. If you’re running a teambuilding exercise, your attendants will likely be internal employees only and won’t be inviting external parties. If you’re running say a certification class, you can afford to have a bigger class and dividing them into smaller groups.
Be very specific on your attendees by creating a list, but give yourself a bit of leeway for last-minute additions.
Pick the right venue for the right amount of attendees. You don’t need a stadium if you only have ten people attending.
Check out our article on factors to consider when choosing an event space KL.
So you now have a clear goal in mind, you know who your attendees will be, and you have an idea on which event space KL your workshop should be held.
Your next step is to develop an outline (AKA the agenda) to help achieve your workshop’s goal:
Measuring your workshop’s success is critical for future workshops. There’s always an aspect of your workshop that can be improved upon, even if it ran smoothly.
The best way to measure success is by following up with your attendees. Ask them (whether via questionnaire, e-mail or other communication methods that you prefer) for feedback on how it went. As a general rule, ask them:
What did you like about the workshop? What did you not like about the workshop? What do you think can be improved upon?
These three general questions will give you plenty of feedback from participants and let you know which areas to improve before your next workshop.
How you communicate AFTER the workshop also matters. Let people know that their hard work during the workshop mattered, whether it’s your team running the workshop or the attendants who participated.
A workshop needs to have people involved to make it more memorable. Ideally, it would be good to get everyone involved in the workshop for it to be considered successful.
Find out what activities are best to facilitate involvement in your workshop. Each exercise will be different, based on the workshop you’re conducting.
A few general tips:
Keep in mind, creating memorable group exercises will keep everyone interested and attentive during the day.
In the midst of Covid-19, we are offering virtual tours until the Movement Control Order has been lifted. Check out our webpage or contact us at +6016-4821319 if you’re interested in an event space KL!
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