5 Habits that Doubles your Productivity at Work | Serviced Office KL

Sometimes you go to the office with a fighting spirit, with plans to be as productive and useful as possible – upon arrival to your serviced office KL, you realize that motivation has disappeared elsewhere, working moments are difficult to resolve, and you don’t want to do absolutely anything, and even summer outside the window.

Remember that awesome feeling when you leave the office after a super productive day? With the right approach, you can do it every day. You don’t have to work longer or do more tasks. The main thing is to effectively build your work process.

Here are some tips on how to organize yourself, increase your productivity, and set up your office workspace properly.

Serviced Office KL #1 –  Do not address the same case twice

Productive people never leave something in limbo, because, turning to the same thing twice is a waste of an enormous amount of extra time. Don’t put off writing a letter or making a phone call until later. If you pay attention to something, immediately get down to business, transfer the task to an employee or remove it from the list.

Serviced Office KL #2 – Prepare for tomorrow before leaving the office

High productivity people end each day by preparing for the next. This routine allows you to achieve two goals: to enhance and consolidate what you have achieved today and to guarantee a productive tomorrow. This kind of preparation takes a couple of minutes – a great end to the workday.

Serviced Office KL #3 – Start off with the hardest task


Yes, the hardest task.

Starting every day with the hardest assignment is a great antidote to procrastination so that super-productive people are greeted every morning fully prepared. In other words, first of all, they perform the most unpleasant, frightening task from the to-do list and only then deal with everything else. Because afterward, they are free to do things that provide them pleasure and inspire them to feats.

Serviced Office KL #4 – Fight the “tyranny of urgency”

The tyranny of urgency simply presents itself the tendency to tackle the little things that need to be done immediately and it takes away a lot of time from what is really important. This poses a huge difficulty as urgent tasks usually have very little importance. By succumbing to the “tyranny of urgency”, you can spend more than one day or even a week at work, without solving the small nitty-gritty matters.

High-performance people are well aware of when deliberate urgency undermines their efficiency, therefore they often tend to delegate the solution of secondary issues that interfere with them to employees and subordinates.

Serviced Office KL #5 – Learn to say “NO”

“No” is a strong word that no effective employee is afraid of. When it’s time to say no, they don’t use phrases like “I guess I can’t” or “I’m not sure.” By giving up new responsibilities, you acknowledge existing tasks and give yourself the opportunity to successfully complete them. A study from the University of California (University of California) San Francisco shows that the harder it is for you to say no, the more you are prone to stress, feelings of emptiness, and even depression. Learn to use the word “no” – it will not only lift your mood but also your productivity.


Renting a dedicated workspace is an excellent way to stay productive and properly manage your time. At Colony, we provide flexible workspaces that are available to scale on-demand, giving your business the agile edge it needs. Take advantage of our latest flexible serviced office KL services.

Here’s are the benefits you’ll get:

  • Terminate within 1 Day
  • Freeze Membership & Resume Anytime
  • Guaranteed 7 Day Deposit Refund
  • Minimal Deposit Required

Start planning your next best workplace by reaching out to us via our email at ask@colony.work or at +60 18-213 8086 to learn more about our Serviced Office KL.


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