As a Coworking Space KL, we empower individuals from all walks of life. We’ve met and seen many wonderful guests who have landed their dream jobs at our space or through the company our space houses over.
As terrifying as it sounds, the first day of a new job may be among one of the most memorable and stressful phases of your career. It’s a norm if you have the jitters or have trouble sleeping the night before. We’re here to tell you that it is totally normal to feel this way.
Since first impressions matter, we’re here to help you better prepare on what you should do on your first day. Check out these tips on how to nail your first day at work and create a lasting impression.
Your clothes speak volume on your first day.
This is the time where you can set an impression to your bosses and colleagues that you are an employee that seeks professionalism from all aspects, even in the way you dress.
Ideally, you want to look the part you are applying for and not send off the wrong signals. Be as professional as you were in the interview process. If you’re unsure of what the dress code is like at your new workplace, you could always contact the HR department for the details.
It’s important to arrive at least 15 minutes early on the first day. If your new work area is set in an unfamiliar location, it’s advisable to do a quick check on what’s the best route or mode of transportation to avoid any delays.
You can practice the route on a morning that you are free so that you are aware of the possible outcome of your journey. Always remember, showing up a little early is fine but being late on day one is a huge deal breaker.
Coworking Space KL: Be Friendly
Being friendly is one of the simplest and easiest ways to make a good impression at a new job.
You could relax, smile and talk to your boss and colleagues. If any opportunities arise throughout the day to talk to people, do so. The road to your career path is a long one so it helps to make a friend or two as you go through this journey. Hence, you should make the most of your time to get to know everyone and how you can work with them to grow your skills in your new job atmosphere.
Coworking Space KL: Accept that Lunch Invitation
If you’re lucky, your boss or some colleagues will call you out for lunch on your first day. Many of us usually turn down the offer but we’re here to tell you DON’T turn down on lunch, go ahead with it!
Lunch is a great opportunity to converse in a more casual setting, learn more about the office culture and get an insight on how your colleagues interact when work is out of the picture.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. In fact, ask plenty of questions. You may be surprised that you actually have more things in common with your workmates that you actually think you do.
Coworking Space KL: Find Out who You’ll be Working with the Most
Try to discern who is going to become a part of your daily life at the company on your first day at work.
Ask questions to understand how their role connects with yours and eliminate embarrassing job-role mistakes right away. This can help set the right tone for your new job by getting off on the right foot with team members.
The first day of work at your new job should be exciting but not terrifying.
Our final advice would be to enjoy these days and make the most of it getting to know your colleagues as these are the people that will be 60% attached to your life. Most importantly, don’t forget to have fun and put yourself out there! With all these tips by Colony Coworking Space KL right at your fingers, you’ll be able to breeze through your first day at work.
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