Coworking Space KL: Closing The Deal

Hospitality Story At Colony Coworking Space KL #3: Closing The Deal

Besides the atmosphere, the location and seating options, what other factors would you consider when choosing a coworking space? In the long run, these factors wouldn’t seem as significant when the quality of space or level of service is not up to par. After all, it’s like a guest and a host, we all love a good host. A host that makes sure everything is clean, operations are ran smoothly and whose utmost priority is taking care of the guests in their premises. This is the factor that makes or breaks in a long term relationship and is what creates the difference between an ‘ok’ coworking space with an outstanding one. 

The commitment of going the extra mile and putting #1 priority towards guests is the first step to develop stellar services in any host. With that in mind, we are ever more devoted to changing the way people look at the workplace, and so the hospitality stories by Colony was born.

Here’s one about Vicky, one of our guests at coworking space KL, Colony @ KLCC.

One day, Vicky was about to head out for an important meeting for a sales pitch. Since she is a big believer of the law of attraction, she told us that she needed reminders to keep her motivated about what she wants, and on that occasion, it was the deal that she wanted to close. 

We decided personally design some motivational quotes and put together a quote vision board for her. She was shocked to receive what she always wanted, a vision board and is still using it until today.

Coworking Space KL: Closing The Deal

Today, she still has the board placed on her office desk, and yes, she managed to close the deal. One of the quotes clipped on the board stated, “I have the power to manifest anything” and she mentioned that the particular quote resonates the best as she really did manifest a vision board.

For more information about our coworking space KL, click here


Coworking Space KL: The Same Blue Shirt 

Coworking Space KL: The Break Up Kit

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