8 Tips For Better Online Meetings | Coworking Space KL

Due to the pandemic, most workers at coworking space KL are now participating in online meetings on a weekly (if not a daily) basis. While it’s great that we now have access to platforms and technologies that enable us to work remotely, online meeting fatigue has become a real issue. With many organizations figuring out how to have better online meetings needs to be a priority for leaders and employees alike. Despite the fact that we’ve been having online meetings for over some time, many are still struggling to get the best out of them. Below are some tips to improve the online meeting experience:

COWORKING SPACE KL #1 – Have an agenda

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As with in-person meetings, having a clear agenda will help the meeting flow smoothly. It can also help attendees manage expectations and it can be a great tool to ensure that the meeting stays on track and on time.

COWORKING SPACE KL #2 – Keep them short and sweet

Even if you were used to longer meetings when in-person, research has found that virtual meetings can be more taxing. This is why it’s important that you keep online meetings short, sweet, and straight to the point. Consider implementing a company policy for standard meeting time; maybe it’s 30 minutes, or 60.

COWORKING SPACE KL #3- Set up your preferences

If you are the meeting host, make sure you customize the settings for when people join your meeting. If you require video, turn on the function of “join meeting with video”. Another important preference to customize is having people join on mute. More often than not, people will join a meeting and forget to mute themselves while everyone else joins. During this time many people are still typing or getting coffee, or there may be some background noise. Having people join on mute, or reminding them to mute their microphones as soon as they join, can make for a much smoother, more pleasant experience.

COWORKING SPACE KL #4- Be mindful about time zones

This is especially important if you work with a globally distributed team. When setting up meetings, be mindful that the meeting time doesn’t overlap with lunchtime in another area. Also, avoid scheduling online meetings that will require someone to stay connected too late or too early.

COWORKING SPACE KL #5- Assign a facilitator

Oftentimes, it’s a lot harder to have a discussion in online meetings than in-person ones. If your meeting requires that others actively participate, consider assigning a facilitator. A facilitator should guide the conversation and answer questions. The facilitator should be responsible for calling on people by name when needed and monitoring the meeting chat.

COWORKING SPACE KL #6 – Share relevant documents and files ahead of time

If you will be discussing a particular document, file, or presentation during the meeting, consider sharing it with attendees beforehand. This will not only help attendees prepare ahead of time, but it will also make it easier for them to follow the meeting. It can also help keep the discussion on track and can make it easier for attendees to ask any relevant questions if necessary.

COWORKING SPACE KL #7 – Consider shared note-taking

Consider assigning someone to take meeting notes and share them with attendees in real-time. Note-taking can help ensure the meeting stays on track, it can facilitate brainstorming, but more importantly, it can be a great tool for when the meeting is over and people are debriefing or making sure they have all the information they need.

COWORKING SPACE KL #8 – Avoid multitasking

We know, easier said than done. But when you’re participating or hosting an online meeting, you really need to keep your focus on the meeting and avoid multitasking. Emails can wait, instant messages can wait, and social media can most definitely wait. Having your video turned on can help you avoid multitasking as you will be more mindful and conscious of your body language and movements. Plus, it can be pretty easy to figure out who’s paying attention and who isn’t when the video is turned on.


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Start planning your next best workplace by reaching out to us via our email at ask@colony.work or at +60 18-213 8086 to learn more about our Coworking Space KL.


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