Coworking Space: KL’s Very First Outdoor Rooftop Spin Studio


KL’s First Rooftop Outdoor Spin Studio, At Our Coworking Space KL

We’re thrilled to announce that our coworking space KL at Star Boulevard will have KL’s very first outdoor rooftop spin studio brought to you by the Oxygen Cycle team!

Oxygen Cycle has recently hosted a soft launch on the 15th of June to introduce a first-of-its kind outdoor spin studio at our flagship store at Star Boulevard.

Providing a unique range of quality spin classes, the Oxygen Cycle studio is the first of its kind to introduce a new way of practicing fitness in the new norm we live in.


Coworking Space KL


Oxygen Cycle is a boutique fitness studio brought to you by former Flycycle instructor Aiman Asmawar .

In the recent event of the Movement Control Order (MCO), Aiman had an epiphany to alter the concept of what a boutique spin studio  should be. In that moment, Oxygen Cycle was born to bring a whole new fast forward thinking of what practicing fitness is like in the new norm we live.

By using resources that are most accessible to us – Mother Nature, Oxygen Cycle created KL’s first outdoor rooftop spin studio in just 2 weeks using resources that are easily accessible to mankind. By embracing what Mother Nature has offer to us, Oxygen Cycle aims to be a future success story of what a simplified and minimalist boutique studio concept needs – easy build-up with minimal resources and making use of indoor architecture that allows fuss free interior design.

Equipped with 10 bikes stations placed one metre apart, self-cleaning tools are available all around the studio to ensure adequate sanitization. The portable layout setting and technological equipment implemented by Oxygen Cycle fulfills the safety requirement and regulations set by the Malaysian government. Rest assured, you will be experiencing the new concept of what outdoor fitness classes are going to be when you take a class with them!


Coworking Space KL

A spin studio is a place for spin classes, which in itself, is a highly intensive cycling workout. It usually involves a stationary cycling machine with heavy flywheels linked to the pedals.

The result? A bike with fixed gears (think a track bike). Your legs will be moving non-stop, and you have to work to slow them down.

Every spin classes will have its instructor, who will call out intervals on when to speed up or to slow down – he/she controls the flow of the course. This continuous movement means that you waste no time on burning those calories off. Each session will usually last for around an hour. Anyone who takes part in the spin class can expect lots of sweat and weighty legs after a session.


The great thing about a spin class is that anyone can join in or try it out!

Whether you’re an Olympian athlete or a beginner who’s looking for a change in lifestyle, riders of all abilities can push as much as they’d like as it doesn’t affect anyone else in the training session.

Spin bikes come with resistance dials, which allows you to adjust how difficult do you want your session to be.

Whatever your preference, the end result will certainly result in a healthier, fitter you.


Coworking Space KL

Interested in a session? Oxygen Cycle is taking spinning into the new norm which promsises you a feel good sweat session and outdoor experience while maintaining the highest hygiene care for their fellow spinners.

Check out their website on the schedule and prices for their classes or visit their Instagram page to book your very first class at our coworking space KL!

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